By Sharon Smith, NZITC Chair and RIE® Associate
Tena koutou katoa,
It started out very well — another wonderful RIE® Foundations™ course in the heat of the summer and then the awesome Auckland seminar at the Jet Park Hotel – little did we know that this beautiful venue was to fulfil a different space for the remainder of 2020 as a managed isolation hotel.
The world turned upside down and Aotearoa amongst it – leading the way in the recovery. That first rahui - It was strange and an unknown experience for most of us with a high trust model that we responded to amazingly well. With a genuine vision for all our wellbeing, the impact of this pausing was not only beneficial for us as people, but also so vital for our planet.
That feeling of stillness and quiet in the world, it was like we were all holding our breath. A lot of talk about the new normal and I wonder what will change when we are completely out of it and reflect on that time?
The hardest part was not knowing what the outcome might be. I remember feeling at ease, having accepted what was needed and then just taking a day at a time, enjoying the different rhythm of life – sleeping when I was tired, eating when I was hungry, walking and enjoying nature when I felt like it, checking in with those to lift our spirit when needed. At a recent parent and infant class I was sharing these ideas with the parents – their babies will have this time forever noted in their lives as some of them were born during this time. This was their experience of normal.
Magda Gerber reminds us from a 1985 Educaring® article talking about changes in general . . .
“… if our goal is for infants to be able to participate with us in their lives and care, they must be able to anticipate changes. A stable, predictable, secure environment is the best foundation an infant can have for developing the confidence and self-esteem necessary to handle changes in life. . . . It is easier to cope with major changes if the small routines of life remain intact. The foundation remains, we merely remodel the house or rearrange the furniture”.
I hope our infants and toddlers can enjoy their life – working to their own rhythm and pace with grace and with gratitude for the small and necessary things in life.
While we are still physically separated from the rest of the world who are still coping and battling, technology and science is working hard on different ways of reconnection.
I am hopeful for 2021 albeit cautious. NZITC will continue to share through our small groups in our community forums and through half day seminars around Aotearoa. We are looking forward to having you join us again as part of our community and your ongoing support is appreciated. We will continue to do our best to support you too.
A very big thank you to the NZITC board committee for your time, effort and ongoing commitment.
Find peace, rest well and enjoy the summer break, give yourself some more time in with appreciation for those around you who make life meaningful and fun.
Best wishes,
Sharon Smith, NZITC Chair
Tena koutou katoa,
It started out very well — another wonderful RIE® Foundations™ course in the heat of the summer and then the awesome Auckland seminar at the Jet Park Hotel – little did we know that this beautiful venue was to fulfil a different space for the remainder of 2020 as a managed isolation hotel.
The world turned upside down and Aotearoa amongst it – leading the way in the recovery. That first rahui - It was strange and an unknown experience for most of us with a high trust model that we responded to amazingly well. With a genuine vision for all our wellbeing, the impact of this pausing was not only beneficial for us as people, but also so vital for our planet.
That feeling of stillness and quiet in the world, it was like we were all holding our breath. A lot of talk about the new normal and I wonder what will change when we are completely out of it and reflect on that time?
The hardest part was not knowing what the outcome might be. I remember feeling at ease, having accepted what was needed and then just taking a day at a time, enjoying the different rhythm of life – sleeping when I was tired, eating when I was hungry, walking and enjoying nature when I felt like it, checking in with those to lift our spirit when needed. At a recent parent and infant class I was sharing these ideas with the parents – their babies will have this time forever noted in their lives as some of them were born during this time. This was their experience of normal.
Magda Gerber reminds us from a 1985 Educaring® article talking about changes in general . . .
“… if our goal is for infants to be able to participate with us in their lives and care, they must be able to anticipate changes. A stable, predictable, secure environment is the best foundation an infant can have for developing the confidence and self-esteem necessary to handle changes in life. . . . It is easier to cope with major changes if the small routines of life remain intact. The foundation remains, we merely remodel the house or rearrange the furniture”.
I hope our infants and toddlers can enjoy their life – working to their own rhythm and pace with grace and with gratitude for the small and necessary things in life.
While we are still physically separated from the rest of the world who are still coping and battling, technology and science is working hard on different ways of reconnection.
I am hopeful for 2021 albeit cautious. NZITC will continue to share through our small groups in our community forums and through half day seminars around Aotearoa. We are looking forward to having you join us again as part of our community and your ongoing support is appreciated. We will continue to do our best to support you too.
A very big thank you to the NZITC board committee for your time, effort and ongoing commitment.
Find peace, rest well and enjoy the summer break, give yourself some more time in with appreciation for those around you who make life meaningful and fun.
Best wishes,
Sharon Smith, NZITC Chair